Time Thief

Sunday, February 17, 2008

nature room

I've received some questions about the nature room lately, so I thought I'd finally get around to posting about it. The nature room is technically referred to as a 'sunroom' on real estate documents. I re-named it because it actually wasn't very sunny. It was originally a screened-in porch and was (poorly) enclosed sometime in the 60's. The years had taken their toll and it was all kinds of rotten by the time I got here.

Pictures of the "before" and start of re-building follow. There are lots of pictures of rotten wood. I can't help myself. I'm compulsive about documenting and sharing pictures of rot.

Ehhhh....you know what? I'm lazy. Here's a teaser.


Check out the rest in the Flickr set here.


  • Wow, that's going to be a really nice space.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:12 AM  

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